Kingshill Governing Board Mission Statement
Kingshill’s governing board endorses the vision and values of the school. Our children’s happiness and safety will always be our No. 1 priority whilst maximising their potential for a life full of learning.
This is achieved:
- Through having a sound understanding of the school.
- Through a culture built on strong leadership and teamwork
- Through appropriate challenge of the Senior Leadership Team.
- Through ensuring that the school’s staff have the support and resources to succeed.
- Through effective communication and reporting
- Through a diverse governing board with a range of skills and experience.
- Through a strategic approach to governance.
The Governing Body of Kingshill Infant School is highly active and promotes the school’s vision and values. The deep belief that it is our joint purpose to “Prepare children for a life full of learning”. Governors understand the challenges and opportunities of being one of the few Infant schools around, and are totally committed to ensuring the very best education (both academically and in terms of character development) for all of its students, regardless of age or background.
The Governing Body ensures that the vision, ethos and strategic direction of the school are clear and everyone understands what this means. It provides a well-informed and sustained challenge to the Headteacher and Senior Leadership Team to ensure that they are held to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils, and the effective and efficient performance management of staff. Governors have the responsibility for formulating, monitoring and reviewing the policies, plans and procedures for the school. It is the Headteacher and the senior team, who are responsible for the implementation of policy, day-to-day management and organisation of the school and the delivery of the curriculum. In addition, they along with support from the Governing Body continuously strive for the highest outcomes and progress for every child and young person. Governors also have a very important role in providing oversight of the financial performance of the school and making sure that its money is well spent and the best value for money is achieved.
The Governors’ roles are mainly implemented through a committee structure but our Governors are also linked with curriculum subjects within the school. Through regular, planned school visits we ensure that we are able to question activities and play an active role in school life. Governors attend regular training sessions and meet through committee and as a full body 9 times a year.
The Governing Body is made up of parents of children currently at the school or who have previously attended the school, community members and staff. They all live locally and between them cover a range of skills, experiences and occupations, bringing a deep richness to discussion and outcomes. We welcome interest from parents and the wider community, either to potentially join this strategic group or work in an advisory role.
More Information about Kingshill's Governing Body:
Elliott Plumb, Headteacher
As the headteacher of Kingshill Infant School, I am automatically a governor by virtue of my office (also known as an ex officio governor). I’ve always wanted to be a teacher. However, my headteacher at primary school, Janet Philllips, was my inspiration to become a headteacher. She knew all of our names; brought a sense of fun and positivity into school, and had warm, open and supportive relationships with all of the parents. This is something I try to instill into my practice today.
After my degree at Edinburgh University, I studied Primary Education at Homerton College, Cambridge over a decade ago. I have spent most of my career in North London teaching in schools in Enfield and Hackney and have enjoyed being a deputy headteacher, assistant headteacher and for two terms, a SENCO. I have worked in year groups from Early Years through to Year 9 during my career but my heart has always been with infant children and specifically, with teaching reading and phonics.
I have been at Kingshill since April 2023 and I couldn’t be prouder to be the headteacher. We have a plethora of fantastically experienced governors, which ensures we are soundly supported by our governing board at a strategic level.
In my spare time, I enjoy running, walking our miniature Jack Russell, Moss, and eating at fabulous restaurants. I’m also a sucker for continuous development so I have completed my NPQSL, NPQH and am now looking to embark on my NPQEL in any spare time I have left!
Adam Guest, Chair of Governors
As Chair of Governors I work with Mr Plumb to promote and maintain high standards of education. This includes support on strategy, governance and financial performance.
I am a former student of Kingshill, both my young daughters attended the school and my wife works here. I am proud of the culture and environment that has been nurtured at the school and that we continue to see this represented by the number of nursery and reception applications.
In my day job I work in business development for a large consulting organisation and you may see me out and about on my bike at weekends.
Alan Thatcher, Co-Opted Governor
I have enjoyed being a Governor at Kingshill since 2020 and during that time I have been specifically linked with Physical Education, Design & Technology and Art at the school. I am also a member of the Resources Committee.
Now happily retired, for the last 26 years of my career I worked with schools in Inner London, mostly in Islington. At various times I organised their PE programme, managed a training resource for teachers, looked after a residential environmental centre for children of primary school age and latterly supported school advisors and senior managers, often collating detail and information in readiness for OFSTED inspections and the many other challenges schools faced!
Although my local grandchildren have now passed through the doors of Kingshill, it remains a pleasure to support the school wherever I can, and I can often be found helping the staff with school trips or special events at the school.
Jenny Milbourn, Assistant Headteacher
I am staff governor, Assistant Headteacher and class teacher at Kingshill Infant School.
I have been at Kingshill since I trained to be a teacher 24 years ago. I have a large amount of experience being a class teacher and enjoy embracing new initiatives to further improve the provision we provide for our children here at Kingshill. Being part of our governing body allows me to represent our staff body. I am very proud to be part of such a nurturing school and where staff’s well-being is always considered in decisions made.
James Randall, Parent Governor
After having one child go through Kingshill and another finishing reception, I became a governor as I wanted to give something back to the school. Both our children have been very happy at Kingshill and I wanted to play a small part in helping the school in the next few years of it's journey.
My background is in finance, where I have over 20 years experience. I have worked through various roles and now sit on our management committee where my responsibilities include business and product development, overseeing all aspects of our output and future planning. Away from the 9-5, my business partner and I run a children's party website, which connects local businesses with local people.
I am able to call on experience from both these roles when working with the excellent staff and the board of governors at Kingshill.
Spare time is spent with my wife and two boys and I enjoy endurance sports, having completed numerous marathons, half marathons, various triathlon distances and summiting Mount Kilimanjaro in 2023.
Emma Kuenyufu, Parent Governor
Since 2023, I have had the privilege of becoming a parent governor at Kingshill, coinciding with my daughter's start in Reception. The transition to having a child in the education system was initially overwhelming, as I had little understanding of the intricacies of school operations and the best practices to support our children's education.
When the opportunity to become a parent governor presented itself, I eagerly embraced it. With many years of experience in HR management in the commercial sector, combined with the perspective of being a parent of a school-aged child, I believe my skills and insights are well-suited to the role of governor at Kingshill.
My aim is to support Kingshill’s vision, ethos, and objectives strategically and practically, ensuring the best possible educational experience for our children, the future.
Bronwyn Janes, Co-opted Governor
When my goddaughter came to Kingshill, I was as delighted to join the team of governors. I joined because I wanted to help support the school and ensure the leaders had what they needed to create a wonderful learning environment where all children receive the best possible education.
My experience as a teacher and deputy head teacher has helped to guide my support of the school. I can offer governors an understanding of the challenges that schools and teachers are facing and ask education specific questions to ensure we are all informed.
Currently, I am the governor who focuses on Maths and SEND provision and I am part of the curriculum committee.
Amanda Evett, Co-Opted Governor
My career has been in Finance and in the last six years I have been working within the school's finance sector, which has enabled me to support Kingshill with budgeting and forecasting questions.
I was thrilled to be appointed as their Finance governor nearly three years ago and I feel very privileged to be part of such a wonderful team.
My experience working at Hertfordshire County Council and Herts For Learning (HFL) alongside the twenty years of financial background has really helped me to provide advice and support towards bringing the children the best education.
Currently, I am the governor who focuses on Finance, Early Years, Health and Safety.
Claire Holtby
Vice Chair of Governors and Safeguarding Link Governor
Claire is our Safeguarding Link Governor and has enrolled all three children through Kingshill. She brings a wealth of knowledge and relevant expertise on the Kingshill governing board.
Judy Wareham