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Kingshill Infant School


Welcome to Nursery! 





Meet the team

Welcome to the new school year at Kingshill Nursery!

We are excited to share your child's journey  with both them and you, and look forward to working together throughout the year.

Our class is called Bryon class after the author Nathan Bryon. We will be learning all about him later in the year and sharing some of his books. You can access photos of the children's learning through their individual learning journals on Tapestry. We would love you to share your photos with us on Tapestry too. 

Our outdoor environment

Helpful ideas to support development at home

Links to phonics and maths websites



At Kingshill Infant School we use Read Write Inc phonics scheme. This starts in Summer term of nursery. Prior to that we focus on phase 1 Letters and Sounds, to give children a good foundation of hearing and distinguishing sounds, rhythm and rhyme.


It is important that as children learn to hear sounds made by letters that they learn the pure sound. A helpful video from RWI can be found here...



Kingshill use the White Rose maths scheme from Reception upwards. Nursery maths is also supported by EYmaths training by Karen Wilding.


We want all children to have a secure number sense, so our primary focus is noticing skills, and subitising. We use patterns, five frames and ten frames to help children see 'how many' by asking, "what do you notice?" or "what do you see?"


An introduction to what subitising is and its importance can be found here...





