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Kingshill Infant School

School Dinners

As we are an infant school, all of our children are entitled to Universal Free School Meals. This means that the school gain government funding to cover the costs of a school meal for every child who wishes to have one.


Children at Kingshill can have a hot school meal or bring in their own packed lunch from home. Children are read the dinner choices each morning and then asked what choice they would like.


If you choose to to provide a packed lunch from home for your child, we ask for it to be healthy, well-balanced and NUT FREE. This can include: 

  • starchy foods – these are bread, rice, potatoes, pasta and others  

  • protein foods – including meat, fish, eggs, beans and others  

  • a dairy item – this could be cheese or a yoghurt  

  • vegetables or salad or a portion of fruit  

  • a drink of water

  • one small treat such as a chocolate biscuit bar e.g kitkat / penguin or small cake

Please do not include sweets or chocolate bars.


For more information: 



We work in partnership with Caterlink to deliver vibrant food at Kingshill.  Parents can choose the meal choices at home up to three weeks in advance. 


To see the current menu, please click here.


Packed lunches: Parents are encouraged to provide healthy well balanced packed lunches and are sent advice at the beginning of each academic year on how to ensure they are. 
