School policies cover every aspect of school life. Below are the statutory policies for your reference. Please ask the school office if you require additional information or have a query. If you require a paper copy of any information on our website this can be provided free of charge.
- Accessibility Policy: Part 1
- Accessibility Plan: Part 2
- Admission Arrangements
- Attendance
- Anti-Bullying
- Allergies and Intolerance (Review due: January 2025)
- Behaviour in Schools (and Behaviour Principles Written Statement and School Exclusions)
- Capability of Staff
- Charging and Remissions
- Child Protection Policy and Procedures
- Designated Teacher for Looked-After and Previously Looked-After Children
- Children with Health Needs Who Cannot Attend School
- Data Protection
- Early Career Teachers (ECTs)
- Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)
- Equality Information and Objectives (Public Sector Equality Duty) Statement for Publication
- First Aid in Schools
- Food Policy (Review due: January 2025)
- Governors' Allowances (Schemes for Paying)
- Health and Safety
- Instrument of Government
- Kingshill Infant School Emergency Response Plan (Review due: September 2024)
- Managing Performance and Capability
- Nursery Admissions
- Protection of Biometric Information of Children in Schools and Colleges
- RSE (Relationships and Sex Education)
- Supporting Pupils With Medical Conditions
- Teacher Pay
- Management of Sickness Absence
- Privacy Notice: Pupils
- Privacy Notice: Parents and Carers
- Staff Discipline (procedures for addressing)
- School Complaints
- Staff Conduct
- School Exclusion
- Staff Grievance
- Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)
- Statement of Procedures for Dealing with Allegations of Abuse Against Staff